Distance Spiritual House Clearing
Service Description
1hr Distance Spiritual House Clearing Did you know our homes and spaces collect energy too?! Old spiritual energy in our homes or work spaces can significantly impact our lives. These energies may be the presence of spirits (yep ghosts)of ex tenants, or spirits from the land (we have an indigenous man in our hallway!), and can also show up as residual energy from trauma, conflict, illness, violence, or unhappiness that happened in the space, during your time, or before. These energies can manifest in our lives as disturbances to our own energy, thoughts, feelings and especially effecting our sleep and feelings of wellbeing. Children and pets are especially impacted as they're so open and sensitive. If you've ever "felt" a presence in your home it's likely you're not imagining it. My space clearing sessions will cleanse, clear, and move on any old or unwanted energy in your space, leaving it feeling lighter, and more peaceful, and leave you and your family with enhanced feelings of wellbeing. These sessions are $160 and they take approximately an hour more if needed. You send me photos of your space, and I tune in a clear each room. Afterwards I send you a recording of the whole thing.
Contact Details
Melbourne VIC, Australia